If you Google Image search "brooch bouquet" you will find all sorts of fantastic examples that may suit your tastes better than my bouquet. Many used just one color, or style/size/metal etc. but I decided to go for a less uniform look. As you can see in the photo above I filled in around the brooches with rick-rack flowers to make it look more full and add dimension and texture.
Getting Started
To start making my bouquet, I initially started by gathering all of the supplies I would need. Brooches are clearly the most important! I had a lot of fun asking family members (mostly grandmothers) for donations and I loved having a piece with a little bit of family history in the mix. Looking back I wish I had taken a picture of each brooch and tracked where it came from, because no matter how easy you think it will be to remember a specific gift or special story, it gets tough when you're looking at 50 different brooches and trying to keep them all straight! To make up the rest of the brooches I searched thrift stores and ebay, and had family members doing the same. I really enjoyed the whole process, and always loved when I would see a new thrift store and could just stop in to take a peek - it's always more fun when you're on the hunt for something! If you're not into all that digging I would stick with ebay, you can find lots of 50+ brooches at one time. In a later post I will explain how I attached the brooches to the base of the bouquet.
Once you have your brooches in order, you should think about what you'll use to hold them all together as a beautiful wedding bouquet! I bought a Styrofoam ball and cut it in half for the top, and used a Styrofoam cone as the handle. It was lightweight (which is important because once you add all those brooches it gets quite heavy!) and kept it's shape perfectly. I made mine months ahead of time so I didn't want it to get flat as it sat in my closet. When you glue the two pieces together just make sure you use special Styrofoam glue - as far as my experience tells, nothing else works! I covered both parts in fabric - a white, lacy fabric for the top and a gray fabric for the bottom. Later I added ribbon and also a yellow fabric, but that will come later.
For now start gathering those brooches! Next week I'll explain in more detail how they all came together!
Here is a photo of my dad walking me down the aisle, bouquet in hand! |
do it yourself - and i'll help
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